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Half Term Ahead

Just a quick message as we approach the half term break. Half Term Dates: Our classes will stop for half term from Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th October. Congratulations on Summer LAMDA exam success! Firstly, a huge well done to all of our pupils who completed summer LAMDA exams last term! We're very proud to report across the school, our students achieved 475 Distinctions, 177 Merits & 15 Passes. Report sheets have gone out in class and certificates given to schools for reward assemblies. Very well done to all of the pupils involved! Watford Festival & Winter Showcase Pupils of all ages from Reception upwards can sign up now for the Watford Festival in the Spring Term. I've recently sent the sign up sheets round and you have until 20th November to book your place. Children in Reception - Year 2 will be given their poems for the festival after the half term break. After half term, I'll also be sending out information on the Winter Showcase which you can also book a place for. Winter LAMDA exams These exams are for pupils in Year 3 and above. I've emailed across the exam dates earlier this month and will send the confirmed exam timetable around after half term. Just a quick point of guidance in terms of what your children can be working on over half term for each respective module:

  • Verse and Prose: It'd be great if pupils can learn their pieces and have an initial look through their theory questions

  • Acting/Shakespeare: Please can children make a big push to learn their pieces. We know the acting monologues are a little longer, but it really helps with character development and staging in the second half of term if pupils are already nice and confident on their lines.

  • Reading for Performance: Please can children finish writing their intro/link/conclusions and start learning those. It'd be great if they can also type up their performance pieces and put them in a booklet/folder (we recommend A5 size) as they can then practise reading from this in classes after half term.

  • Public Speaking: Please can children finish writing their speeches and start learning them (They can use cue cards to help them). They will also need to make visual aids/posters and it'd be brilliant if they could do this over the half term break. We recommend posters that are large enough to be easily seen by the examiner - so perhaps A3 size, firm enough to stand up unassisted on a chair, and mostly image based (i.e. not too much text that the examiner has to read whilst listening to the speech)

Your teachers will have given your children a copy of the exam criteria with full details on the exam and the theory questions - but if you would like a copy sent to you, please just let me know. And if you need the festival information, or the exam dates resent, please just let me know. Otherwise, wishing you and your children a lovely half term break! Jo and the RM Drama team


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