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Wishing you a happy half term!

Just a quick email as we're now approaching half term:

  • Our half term is Monday 31st May - Sunday 6th June

  • Classes resume on Monday 7th June

Jo has previously emailed your child's provisional exam time (if you can't find this, do let Jo know and she can resend it). We should have the final confirmed time from LAMDA first week back after half term, so do look out for that final confirmation email.

After half term, we'll be straight into mock exam classes, so as a guide children should be doing the following over the half term break ready for the upcoming exam:

  • Introductory students: exam poems should be learnt and for Reception children, the toy selected and game chosen, for Year 1's, the picture and activity prepared, and for Year 2's, the book chosen and perhaps re-read so it's fresh in their memory. They'll need to type up a nice copy of their poem for the exam, so could do this now.

  • Verse and Prose students: pieces should be learnt and theory practised. It'd be good for Grade 4+ to practise some sight reading pieces over the break. Pupils need to bring a typed copy of their pieces on the exam day, so it might be good to get this done over the half term break. If students are at all unsure of theory questions, do let us know and we can resend the exam criteria.

  • Reading for Performance students: Intro/link/conclusion should be learnt and they should now be reading their poems/books confidently with regular eye contact and some interesting staging. They should not learn the poem/book extracts. On the day, they need to read their pieces from a folder or booklet (we recommend A5 size) so it'd be good to get this booklet ready over half term. And they should be confident now on their theory answers -if you need the exam criteria re-sent with their theory questions, do please let us know.

  • Acting Students; pieces should now be off by heart and confident in performance. They should have staged their pieces and worked to develop their characters. LAMDA prefers they don't look directly at the examiner for acting, but work hard to imagine the world of the character as they perform. They should now be confident on theory questions. If students are at all unsure of theory questions, do let us know and we can resend the exam criteria.

  • Public Speaking students: speeches should now be off by heart (children are allowed cue cards to help prompt their memory). If they can please make their visual aids/posters over the half term break - this should be mostly image based, perhaps with the odd heading/caption - and can be either a poster board (perhaps A3 size) or a flipchart. They need to place it on a chair and refer to it during their speech. Finally they should also now be familiar with theory questions. If they are at all unsure, do let us know and we can resend the exam criteria.

  • Shakespeare students: pieces should now be learnt off by heart and confident in performance. Students should have staging incorporated and developed characters. They should know the plays well and be confident now on their theory questions. If you'd like the exam criteria re-sent, do let us know.

Thanks and wishing you a lovely half term!


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